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Self Care 101

What is it?

Self-care is the practice of taking actions to take care of one’s own health

Why is it important?

Self-care is important because it reduces stress levels, maintains focus and helps people refocus and it boosts a person’s happiness.

Self-care ideas & its benefits

★ Hot bath

○ Helps you sleep better

○ Relieves muscle pain

○ Elevates your mood


○ Can decrease stress

○ Relieves anxiety

○ Reduces inflammation

★ Meditation

○ Reduces risk of depression

○ Relieves pain and increases pleasure

○ Increases melatonin

★ Eat clean

○ Weight loss

○ Glowing skin

○ Better mood

★ Alone time

○ Increases productivity

○ Boosts your brain

○ Time to discover and connect with feelings


○ Combats health conditions and diseases

○ Increases energy levels

○ Beneficial to muscles and bones

★ Consistent sleep routine

○ Positive effect on a person’s well being both physically and mentally

○ Improves concentration and productivity

○ Maximizes athletic performance

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