Your PossAbilities LLC is a social services agency who is dedicated to providing comprehensive and accessible resources to New Jersey families. Our mission is to assist families by exploring all possibilities to resolve any problems that may arise and ultimately empower the family to achieve their full potential. We provide in-home therapy, mentoring and behavioral assistance, addressing concerns such as depression, bipolar disorder, psychosocial concerns, oppositional disorder, ADHD/ADD and other learning disabilities.

Concerned about your child? Your PossAbilities can help answer your questions.
You can request services directly from Your PossAbilities by calling (201) 344-5689 or emailing care@yourpossabilities.org.
You'll also find helpful links to other community services on our resource page (coming).
Wondering about school/life problems? Feel like you don't know where to turn.
Your PossAbilities can help guide you to the answer. Click here to submit your questions.
Note: Services cannot be provided without the approval of a parent of guardian.
Social Work Professionals
Your PossAbilities is always seeking to partner with those who see the potential in others.
If you are interested in a position, click here .
Submit your requests, MOU requests, etc to care@yourpossablities.org.